Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Providence Children's Museum

Since it was so rainy today, we took a little road trip to the Children's Museum in Providence. Katie had a lot of fun! :-)
Tug Boat Driver
Pretty Girl
Tractor Driver
Butter Churner
Playing at the water "table" (really a whole water room!)
I think Katie could've just stayed in this room all day!
Trying to hide from me taking her picture!


Sandy said...

Juli would LOVE that "water table". It's nice that they have smocks for it. Although that wouldn't have helped Juli when she took a dive at Giggleberry Fair. LOL

Melissa said...

Hi, my name is Melissa, and I'm part of the museum's Americorps team - I found your blog through our search engine alerts. I'm glad you had such a great time visiting the museum!

I'm always amazed how long kids can play in Water Ways - from toddlers splashing around in the balls-and-tracks tank to big kids building elaborate dams and pipe systems.

The link in my name leads to the museum's blog - I hope you'll have a chance to stop by and join the conversation!