Saturday, February 28, 2009

Oh, the people you will meet...

Bubba's been busy since he came home meeting all of his family and friends. Today Aunt Sandy and Livi stopped by, Poppy brought Maddie over (and Katie went with them for a sleepover at Poppy's house!), and then Aunt Chrissy and Uncle John came over last night (forgot to take pics of their visit though). What a social butterfly!
Aunt Sandy and Bubba
Livi and Katie belting out a tune
Livi's solo
Meanie, lol
Pretty as a princess
Cutie Pie
Maddie and Bubba
Getting in some new baby practice


Karen, Chris, Maddie, Kyra said...

So, I'm having a hormonal kind of day...the pictures of Maddie holding Bubba made me cry. She looks so grown up.

Karen, Chris, Maddie, Kyra said...

PS- that picture of Katie making the mean face reminds me of your preschool picture! LOL