Thursday, July 03, 2008


Tonight Katie and I met Aunt Karen at the train station in Croydon since she came up to stay at our house to go to work at the swim club tomorrow. Katie and I were over that way so I could get my dress for Chrissy and John's wedding to the seamstress in Bristol so Karen and I figured it'd work out best to meet there instead of near home. First we were waiting at the Bristol stop and Katie was completely impressed that Aunt Karen was coming on the train. Every time one passed she would get super excited and say "Maybe Karen is on THAT one!" We realized that Karen's train was running late so we were able to meet her in Croydon instead. It was good timing, as soon as we got there so did her train! :-)
Katie waiting patiently!
Ok, this waiting thing is getting old, but Aunt Karen is worth the wait!
After we picked Karen up, we decided to go to Georgine's for some chicken parm. YUMMY! On the way there, we drove past our (me, Mom, Dad) first house to show Katie where I lived when I was little. She loves to hear stories about "when I was her age" so I knew she'd enjoy this!
1002 Hillary Ave

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