Saturday, March 28, 2009

Happy 30th Birthday Kelly!

Tonight was my first night out since Ryan was born. Joseph stayed home with the kids and I went to Kelly's 30th birthday party at Finnegan's Wake. We all had a good time! Most people would think this isn't a big deal, LOL, but I even drank beer! (after the mixed drinks started tasting too sweet) I haven't drank beer in a long time, long enough that Rudy doesn't think she ever saw me drink a beer before! Jenine told me after Liam was born she got into drinking beer again. This could be a trend... After the 2nd kid, beer comes back into the picture! :-)
Chris partying hard!
Happy Birthday Kelly!Blowing out the candles with some help from SammyRudy and PoppyJenine, Re, Karen, Kelly, Denise, Elizabeth, Dan... All we needed was Tom!
Just the girls this time!


Sandy said...

Ok, I have to ask... Did Kelly not get the memo that it was a Phillies party? LOL

Karen, Chris, Maddie, Kyra said...

You know what...where was Tom? You pictures are much better than the one of me on FB where you can see up my skirt! LOL