Sunday, May 03, 2009

I've created a monster

Katie was in her room going to bed and all of the sudden she starts crying. She's been stalling for the last 30 minutes so I very compassionately said "Katie, knock it off and go to sleep!". She said "but I'm not crying for pretend, I'm crying for real."

The rest of the conversation:
Me - Why?
Katie - Because my room is a mess!
Me - No it's not. I just cleaned it yesterday.
Katie - Yes it is. There's stuff all over the floor.
Me - No there's not.
Katie - YES, there IS! Just come see!

So I go in the room and see a few doll things in the one corner. That's what she was freaking out about. I cleaned up the stuff real quick and Katie rolled over and said "Thanks Mom. Good night!"

Crying over.
Just like Mom.

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