Saturday, March 29, 2008

Ben Like Yoda, Me Thinks!

Today we went to The Franklin Institute with Karen and Chris to see the Star Wars exhibit. The exhibit itself was a little bit of a let-down (very small), but the museum was cool! I haven't been there in years and it was so different. We couldn't spend the day because we had to get home to work on the beam project and, besides, it was SO crowded but I can't wait to go back!
Good Ol' Ben
(and Karen & Chris in the bottom corner. I don't think Joseph even knew they were there!)
Uncle Chris is ready to go check out Star Wars
Katie checking out the bubbles she was making
I love my Aunt Karen!
We got to sit, relax, and chat for a bit while Katie tried out all the stuff with Aunt Karen and Uncle Chris. It was nice! LOL
Look at all those Katies!!!
What are you playing with, Uncle Chris?
I'm lookin' at the man in the mirror...
Here comes a bunch of Star Wars pics. After you look at them, you'll pretty much have seen the museum exhibit! LOL
Katie with R2D2 and C3PO
My, My Mr. Storm Trooper, are you excited to see us?
Storm Trooper
Darth VaderChris and Karen squished in the back of the BMW
(doesn't look so squishy here but it was!)

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