Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

This year we moved Christmas Eve to Poppy's new house instead of TiTi's since we seemed to have more adults than space at TiTi's over the past few years. We keep adding boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wives, kids and we ran out of room, LOL. As usual, TiTi did a great job cooking all of our favorite Christmas Eve dishes with the help of Tia Silvia.
The Gracious Host and Two Mom-Mom in the room that Joseph calls "The Yellow Submarine"
It'd be nice if Joseph was looking and not scratching his chin
with his middle finger but hey, I don't look too bad! LOL
Katherine, Mike peeking in, Jen and Steve
Mike, Rui, Diane, and Jorge
The Preggos
(but shhhh, no one else knew about Karen yet!)
The "Senors" Table
The 1st of many Barbie gifts this year and Katie loves every one of them!
Sleepy, but hanging on for more presents, :-)
Hey girls, what's in the box???
It was princess gowns that Katie had to put on right away!
Thanks to everyone for all of the great gifts! Katie definitely has no excuse to say she's bored now. Plenty to keep her busy!!! :-)

1 comment:

Karen, Chris, Maddie, Kyra said...

I was just thinking...with the right outfits that wall could make a great background! I can't wait until it's painted!!