Monday, January 05, 2009

Bubba's 31 Week Ultrasound

Bubba is measuring a week ahead and coming in at an estimated 4lbs, 5 ozs. So at this rate, he'll be about 8.5 - 9 lbs at birth. Katie was 9lbs, 2 ozs so that would be right in line with her size. Our u/s tech was really great and gave us lots of info on what she was measuring and why. I hope we get her again for the next u/s too!

I start non-stress tests (NST) once a week next Monday and then 2x a week from 36 weeks on. The NSTs measure the baby's movements and heartrate via a doppler and check to make sure that there is certain accelerations and decelerations that should be seen at this point. As long as everything checks out, nothing more until the following week. If they don't see what they expect to, they'll do a bio-physical profile ultrasound to check baby's breathing motions and other stuff to see how he's faring in there.

I feel like the rest of the time is going to go by so quickly but that's good because I can't wait to hold our little boy, :-).

The pics didn't scan very well but I'll add them anyway. If I get a chance, I'll rescan and post better pics.

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