Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Big Apple

Today me and Karen took Katie up to The Big Apple (aka NYC) to look for a trim for my dress for Karen's wedding. Katie kept asking when we were going to eat the big apple. I told her there was not really a big apple but she wasn't too sure about that! It was ridiculously hot but she was a real trooper, and stayed awake the whole time. When we got in the car, she crashed right away though! (By the way, didn't find a trim we liked so I guess it's on to Philly's garment district now.)
On our way back from the city, we stopped by to visit Daddy for a little bit. Katie had a lot of fun but she wanted to go in the water in the worst way! It was a challenge keeping her in one place on the dock.

Katie and Daddy out front of his boat:
Katie, Mommy, and Daddy:

Katie got to feed the duckies with Mommy, Daddy, and Kevin (Daddy's deckhand) and that was a lot of fun, but she kept eating more of the bread than she was giving them. I had to clutch her dress so tightly to keep her from taking a swim with the ducks!

Here ducky, ducky, ducky...
Mommy, Katie, and Aunt Karen (Katie's eating her share of the duckies' bread!)
Katie "sitting by the dock of the harbor"
After we visited with Daddy for a little bit, we went to Chevy's Mexican restaurant. Katie ate Aunt Karen's black beans and she LOVED them! She had a fit when we tried to take them away and clean her up. I'm not sure how much she actually ate because she managed to get them everywhere else!

Yum, Yum Black Beans
What do you mean my face is dirty???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank God you didn't put that picture of me making that horrible face. I have to say it was a great day even if you daughter put NASTY beans on my food!

PS- Share the pictures if you can upload them to Shuttefly!