Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Myrtle Beach

This past weekend, Joseph and I had our first 'adult' vacation since Katie was born. We had a great time in Myrtle Beach visiting Jeff and from the sounds of it, Katie had just as much fun with Mom-Mom and Pop, Poppy and Rudy, and Aunt Karen and Maddie. She got some QT with everyone and even told Mom-Mom that she was staying there for 2 weeks! :-) It wasn't THAT long though, just a long weekend - 5 days.

In Myrtle Beach, Joseph and Jeff golfed during the day at True Blue, Caledonia, and Barefoot Landing - Fazio. It was the '2nd Annual Myrtle Beach Invitational'. (I think that's what they named it, LOL.) I think they're at 1 win a piece so next year's trip will be a tie-breaker! Here's some pictures from Caledonia:
The road leading up to the Club House. It's an old southern plantation, and it's beautiful!!!
At the 7th hole
Working their way up to the green
The bridge where they waited out the rain. Luckily it let up after about 15 minutes and they were able to finish the round.
Jeff knocks one in
This picture cracks me up. It looks like Joseph took it while hiding in the bushes! LOL
While they golfed, I shopped at Tanger Outlets, toured Myrtle Beach, read, watched some movies, and even took some naps. It was heaven! Most people would probably think that was pretty boring but it was so nice to have all that time completely to myself, :-)

At night, we checked out some nice restaurants and then hit some bars - Margaritaville and Crocodile Rocks - and a comedy club. We really had a lot of fun. This would come as a shock to most who know me (now) but I even drank (a lot, lol)!
Tired already but the night is still young!
(Joseph saying "why are you bothering me?" because he was snoozing! LOL)
Hey, I'm not tired! Let's go out!!!
We finally saw the beach before we left on Monday. Jeff took us to the fishing pier he likes to go to and it was really cool, with a bar at the end of it! We decided next year's "Invitational" is going to include a day off for fishing and hitting the beach!
View from the pier
Joseph checking out the sharks and sting rays in the water. (Really!)

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