Friday, August 29, 2008

Good News!

This morning I went for an ultrasound that is part of a new series of testing to check for birth defects. I'm happy to report that the baby is measuring perfectly and everything looks great!

I haven't had a chance to scan these yet, only to take pics with my camera so they're not the greatest but here they are none-the-less...
Head at top, feet at bottom
This will probably mean nothing to most reading, but the nuchal fold measured between 1.6 and 2.1, which is a great measurement and right on track. Bubbles measured at 13weeks, 2 days. That's about 6 days further along than the 3/10 due date my Doctor gave us.

When the tech turned on the ultrasound, the first thing we saw was a profile with the baby sucking or playing with it's finger. It was SO darn cute, but she didn't give me a picture of that, :-(. Then the baby did a complete flip and we went from looking at the head to seeing the legs and butt (too early to tell if it is a girl or boy). The past few days I've been thinking I might be feeling some movement but haven't been sure. I've been chalking it up to gas, LOL, but after seeing all that moving around today, maybe it is the baby that I've been feeling!


Karen, Chris, Maddie, Kyra said... lil Bubbles!!! LOL. I'm glad everything is OK that makes me feel so good :-)

MomMom and Pop said...

Glad everything is moving right along.
Can't wait !!!!