Friday, August 22, 2008

Through The Lens

We were sitting on the patio tonight and Katie asked if we could take a walk. I really didn't feel like it so I suggested tomorrow instead. She said "but if we go for a walk, it'll be so much easier!" I asked her what would be easier. Katie - "Then it would be easier for me to take lots of pictures with my cambra!" She was so excited to take pictures I had to give in to the walk, :-).

She kept stopping me with "Wait, I've got to take a picture of this!" LOL Here's some of her shots from tonight...
A close up of our flower pot
Um, where's the rest of my head?
Our neigbors' homes
A flower in our next door neighbor's garden
Taking a break
One more picture from inside of the tree.
Her friends Carie and Shane came out right after that picture so then the camera was second fiddle and her photoshoot was over!

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