Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Terrible Two's Tonight

So, from when I picked Katie up from school tonight until she went to bed, it was just one disaster after another - the kind of night that makes you want to pull your hair out (but Katie already took care of that...see below!).

First, we went to Giant and Katie sat in the big part of the cart. When I started to move she fell back hard and hit the end of the cart. Let the crying begin! This was in about the first minute of being in the store.

Then she was pretty good the rest of the time, until we got over to the frozen food area. I had just picked up a dozen eggs and had them up in the front, away from Katie. She stood up and started to pick them up. I said don't touch those. K - Why? Me - Because they'll break. K - They won't break. Me - Yes, they will. DON'T touch! Then I quickly turn to grab something out of the freezer case. As I'm turning back I hear "Uh oh". I didn't even want to look. Luckily it was only 1 egg, but there it was plopped on the floor. We were in (unlucky) aisle 13. Coincidence? I think not! LOL

Once we got home, Katie found a juice box on the coffee table that she had put there this morning for Juli, next time she comes over. So she wants to drink it now... I said no, you can have it with dinner. K - I'll just put the straw in. Me - No, at dinner. Do not touch that juice box or you will be in trouble. Then I take all the bags into the kitchen and again hear "Uh oh! I just spilled a little bit Mommy." So I go in the livingroom and sure enough she opened the juice box (bad move #1) and then spilled it on the table (bad move #2). I took the juice box and put it on top of the microwave and then a battle went on for the next 5 minutes over the juice box, including Katie maneuvering furniture to try to get up to it.

Next... we go down to the basement to do some laundry and Katie sits on the door of the dryer. I said "Don't sit on that, it'll break". K - it's not broken. Me - I know but it might break if you sit on it. Then Katie is helping me load clothes in the dryer and leans on the door to put clothes in. Doesn't the door break off!!! Scared the shit out of her (and me - it was loud!) LOL I said now what are we going to do? The dryer is broke. She said it's ok, Daddy will fix it. I guess it's Daddy to the rescue! (a week from now!)

So then Katie went around the doorway from the washer/dryer area and apparently picked up a sugar bowl that hadn't made it back into the decoration boxes yet. She dropped the lid and it shattered!

We go back upstairs and she has to go potty. I was in the middle of something so I said go ahead, I'll be right in. So about a minute later I ask if she's ok. She said yes but I thought she was way too quiet so I go in and find this:
Killing Trees
Friends don't let friends leave the bathroom with TP stuck on their shoe! LOL
By this point, Katie was SO cranky so we went upstairs to watch Mickey and get ready for bed. She managed to hit her head on Joseph's bureau and then blamed it on me! The nerve, lol. So finally I got her down at about 8:30, and not a minute too soon. I love that kid, but tonight bed time couldn't come fast enough!!!

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