Friday, January 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy and Uncle James! - January 7, 2008

Just to top off all of the celebrating of Joseph's birthday that's been going on lately, Katie, Joseph, and I went to the Iron Hill Brewery for dinner.
Joseph color-coordinates his clothes to his veggies, lol
Man can't live on mac-n-cheese alone... but Katie sure could!
It's me!
Then we came home to sing and enjoy the cake that Joseph and Katie made that afternoon. I had made a Reese's pb cake-type thing, lol, and Joseph thought it looked gross so he decided to take his birthday into his own hands and make himself a cake that he'd like.
Katie getting the cake ready

The Daddy cuts the cake, the Daddy cuts the cake,
Hi-ho-the-dairio, the Daddy cuts the cake!
Sneaking a taste of the icing
Katie, what does it taste like?

And Happy Birthday to Uncle James too! He had to be on the boat for his birthday, what a bummer! Next year him and Joseph will be able to celebrate together because Joseph will be on the boat too. :-( Darn leap year! (Although leap year also gets him home for Christmas this year instead of next so I shouldn't be complaining.)

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