Tuesday, January 01, 2008

New Year's Eve

Wow, I'm actually going to be all caught up by the time I'm finished tonight!

We rung in 2008 at James and Sandy's house with me, Joseph, Katie, James, Sandy, Juli, Livi, Karen, Chris, Maddie, Jenine, Chris, Kelly, Liam, Chrissy and John. This year the kids were old enough to play together most of the time giving us some time to play games and have some fun. It was really nice!
Putting on our party hats
It's almost time to ring in '08
Aunt Chrissy teaching the girls how to use their blowers
Are they smarter than 5th graders???
Ready to party!
Best of friends
Liam didn't make it so Chris got to ring in the New Year inside
Kelly barely held on but she made it until 12!
Is it time to go outside yet???
Maddie's ready
James with our fancy champagne glasses!
It wouldn't be New Year's Eve with a picture of Joseph like this!
Hey look, a picture of me!
Good bye 2007!
Is all this loud noise really necessary???
Joseph and Katie
Juli, James, and Sandy
(Livi hit the sack hours before!)
Joseph, Katie, and Denise
(and James kept jumping in our picture!)
Chrissy and John
Karen and her New Year's monster (aka Chris)
(This sweatshirt scared the heck out of Juli!)
Pooped out
She actually stayed awake longer than Uncle Joseph!

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