Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Katie and Bubba

We decided not to tell Katie that Bubba was coming home today, figuring if she knew we'd have a hard time getting her to go to school so we could go pick him up. When she walked in the door tonight, I was holding Bubba on the couch. When she saw him, her face lit up and she said "The baby got to come home!!! ... Can I pet him?" LOL

All night, everything was all about "my brother"! We spent the night going over the 'rules', repeatedly, :-). It'll take a little while before Katie understands the things she can and can't do with Bubba. I'm figuring in a few days, he'll be 'old news' once she realizes he doesn't do much more than sleep, eat, cry and poop!

1 comment:

Sandy said...

"I will love you and hug you and squeeze you to death!"

LOL! Cute!