Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ryan Joseph makes his debut!

The "Stats":
Ryan Joseph
Tuesday, February 17th
9:56 PM

8 lbs, 4 ozs
20.5 inches

I went for my non stress test on the 17th at 1:30 and my blood pressure was higher than it usually is when I go to that office, so they decided to do the biophysical profile ultrasound (he passed with no problems) and send me for bloodwork and monitoring over in Labor & Delivery. When they hooked me up to the monitor while waiting for the bloodwork results, I was having contractions about every 2-3 minutes, about 30-45 seconds long. I was feeling them for the past few days but just figured Bubba would be like Katie and stay put until evicted, LOL. The doctor on call, who happened to be the doctor who delivered me when I was born :-), checked and I was starting to dilate so the contractions were definitely 'productive'. This was about 5:30 and my regular doctor was scheduled to come on call at 8pm so Dr. R said let's wait for Dr. K and we'll go from there. Joseph was already scheduled to come home so I called him around 6 and told him he should start to head home early if possible just in case we were having a baby tonight (usually he leaves NY around 9ish).

Dr. K showed up and said "So are we doing this?" Me - "Um, I don't know, are we?" LOL He said because of contractions, dilation, higher BP, swelling, headaches and dizziness the past week, it was time! We scheduled OR time for 9pm so Joseph could make it to the hospital and by 10pm, Bubba made his debut! He was having trouble clearing the fluid out of his lungs and his breathing was shallow so they put him in NICU to grow and strengthen his lungs but he is doing ok.

Getting ready for the c-section
Joseph in the OR

1 comment:

Karen, Chris, Maddie, Kyra said...

It's a start! Hopefully you get more up soon. I really want to see more pictures of him (and see you too!!)