Saturday, February 21, 2009

One down, one to go!

I was discharged from the hospital today. It was nice to get out of there and get home but at the same time it was heartbreaking to go home without Bubba. I know he's where he needs to be right now but it doesn't make it any easier to leave him, :-(.

On a happier note though, he started eating today! The goal is to get him up to 2 ozs every 4 hours by tomorrow. So far, he's doing great so they don't think it'll be a problem for him to get there. Oh, and the nurse put some clothes on him today too, :-) Also, I got to feed him and it didn't go so smoothly. Well, actually it went too smoothly! He gulped it down so fast that I didn't even get a chance to stop him for a burp break. Then as soon as I moved him afterwards, he promptly sent it all back out! Oops... Guess I'm a little rusty with the bottle thing, lol.

And now for the part you all want... Pictures, lol. I'm not so crazy about his big white mustache but if they don't keep the tubes taped down real well, he rips them right off. Bugger!
Mommy & Ryan

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