Friday, February 20, 2009

Ryan, Day Three

Ryan seems to have made a big leap throughout the day today. He was very alert, his temperature has been steady, he's flushing out a lot of fluid, he looks less yellow (he was starting to get a tad jaundiced), and boy is he hungry! They haven't fed him by mouth yet because they were waiting for the respiratory issues to get a bit better to reduce the risk of him aspirating. On Wed and most of Thursday, he didn't seem to care about not eating but by last night he was starting to get pretty irritated that nothing is coming out of the paci. Today, he's just downright pissed about it, LOL. Tomorrow they are going to reevaluate him and will likely start to feed him provided his progress continues through the night. They'll probably also reassess his oxygen treatment tomorrow and may try to bring his O2 level down a bit. Right now he's at 25%, room air is about 21%.

The big news of the day is that Joseph finally got to hold Bubba! :-) The nurse and I convinced him that they were both ready for it now. Since the oxygen desat when I was holding him on Wednesday, Joseph was aprehensive about holding him but once he was in Daddy's arms, both of them were happy and content!

You know you wanna hold me Daddy!
Woo hoo, I'm snuggling with Daddy!
(Actually this was Bubba wanting the paci.
He was kind-of like maybe if I leave my mouth open like this, they'll get the hint!)

Mommy's two favorite guys! :-)

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