Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Ryan's First Day

Ryan is still in the NICU. He started out with a CPAP breathing machine but by the end of the day was switched over to a nasal canula (the oxygen tubing most of us are familiar with). He gave Joseph and me a good scare this afternoon when we were visiting. I was holding him and all of the sudden his oxygen saturation level started dropping really low. The nurses took him from me, started massaging him and pumping his oxygen higher. It quickly raised his O2 back to normal levels and he was fine. The whole thing was about 15 seconds, but it felt like forever! After that, we decided it would be better not to hold him until he's feeling a little better to give him some time to just relax and grow stronger.

When we went right before bed tonight, around 11:30, he was wide awake and annoyed by all of the tubes and wires so he kept pulling off things off and pulling the oxygen tube out of his nose so he's definitely becoming more alert and more aware, :-)
CPAP for oxygen
First time I got to hold him, :-)
The nurse moved the CPAP so I could get a 'clean' picture of his face!Got rid of that CPAPJust hangin' outMommy and RyanSnoozingBaby or Sharpei puppy?
Look at all those wrinkles, LOLSimply perfect, :-)
Tiny little toes!

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